The Equine Session Experience

Equine sessions are all-inclusive, meaning you receive all of the images from your session with full permission to reprint, advertise, and share online for personal use.

When booking an equine session, rest assured that I have already thought of everything! You will receive an extensive Welcome Guide to help prepare yourself and your horse for your session. I'm always here to help along the way!


- 1 hour shooting time
- 1 Horse
- 1-2 Wardrobe changes
- 50+ Digital images
- Online Viewing Gallery
- Full permission to reprint, advertise, and share online for personal use



- 2 hours shooting time
- 1-2 Horses
- 2+ Wardrobe changes
- 100+ Digital images
- Online Viewing Gallery
- Full permission to reprint, advertise, and share online for personal use



- 3 hours shooting time
- 3+ Horses
- 3+ Wardrobe changes
- 150+ Digital images
- Online Viewing Gallery
- Full permission to reprint, advertise, and share online for personal use
